
The Power of Celebration

One of my favorite parts of last week's masterclass came during the reflection time. We spent several minutes looking back at 2023 to use it as a springboard for what you want in the year ahead. 

And when we did, one attendee said, "I had more wins than I realized!" 

It gave me chills.

Because it's so easy for us to focus on what isn't happening. What we didn't do or what still hasn't happened. In fact, we're hard wired to because the brain is designed to keep you safe. 

Unfortunately, that keeps you from focusing on what's going well. Which is a key  factor in achieving what you desire.

Why? What you focus on grows. This is true for yourself and for any conversation you have. 

So today, I share with you one of the three tools we used last week so that you, too, can capture the best of 2023 use it for good in 2024.

Please do yourself a solid and spend five minutes on this. Click this link ~ https://bit.ly/WinsandLearns ~ and make yourself a copy. Then, schedule when you'll stop and reflect. 

As always, I'd love to hear what you discover.

Helping You Soar in 2024

Today I share a special invite with you. An opportunity for an ALTA-style entry into 2024. 

The changing of a year has become one of my favorite milestones. There's nothing magical per se, but it comes with one of our weeks off the grid and that space generates energy and creativity.

So over the years, I've honed a new year reflection and planning series to channel this momentum to bring clarity, vision, and new perspective of the year's potential. 

Potential - capacity that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness.

It's turned my once easily forgotten new year resolutions into intentions that make a difference.

And I want to share it with you so that you can, too.

We’ll gather THIS Thursday, January 4th at 10am Central, and I'll be sharing three of my favorite exercises to help you open the door to 2024 and set it up for success. 

Even if you've already got some things planned out, this will help you put skin on those bones.

We'll celebrate and clarify to elevate and amplify your results. You'll leave with clear actions and timelines to turn your dreams into reality. Guaranteed.

Best of all, it's all FREE.

We use these tools every year end. They've helped us turn things we've thought were out of reach into celebrations. And, you can, too!

REGISTER at: https://bit.ly/Openingthedoorto2024. Then block that time off on your calendar. It'll be well worth your time.