burnout to boom

Where is this P on your priority list?

Coming to your from snowy Nashville this week. The experience of it all reminded me of two important things. 

Nature sometimes helps us slow down. Eight inches of snow basically brings this part of the world to a screeching halt. All in-person gatherings have been postponed.

The streets are quiet and adventurous. We're only going out for the essentials: milk, TP and sledding of course.

Which brings me to the second, play is so good for the soul. With work and school cancelled, we've enjoyed snow walks and snow fights and soaring down the hills at the nearby ag center. 

I screamed like a schoolgirl and gladly climbed the hill over and over again.

I'm not sure who loved it more...the adults or the kids...but I'd venture to say the grown humans needed it most. 

Yes, you're more aware of the dangers of breaking something at this age, but the fun far outweighs any of that. And these two things - slowness and play - help you body, mind, and spirit.

And even though they are not directly related to achieving many personal and professional goals, they help you show up more fully for them.

Even when - or especially when - you feel too busy or like you don't have time for them.

When I researched for Burnout to Boom!, joy - and its cousin awe - came to the forefront as ways to both alleviate and prevent burnout. So slowness and play are sometimes what clients and I end up exploring when energy, motivation, and results are waning. 

What about you? Where is play and whimsy on your schedule the rest of this month and next?

Low mood and energy are a lot more common in the winter months. Scheduling in play is a great way to fill your cup proactively. To help you thrive, even in cold, dark months of winter or the grind of busy seasons. 

I'd love to hear what you're going to enjoy. Please reply and let me know.